Maria Teresa Ferreira, MD
Higher Education
Graduation in Medicine, Medical School of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal (1981).
Specialist in Nuclear Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal (1990).
Postgraduate Education
Work as specialist in Nuclear Medicine in the University Hospital in Leiden (The Netherlands), in the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Lisbon (Portugal), in the Sazinon Association of Hospitals in Meppel (The Netherlands) (1991-1995).
Present Positions
- Work as specialist in Nuclear Medicine in the Portuguese Institute of Oncology (since 1996).
- - Responsible for the Therapy Unit of the Nuclear Medicine Department;
- - Responsible for the Quality Assurance Programme of the Nuclear Medicine Department.
- Coordination of the Nuclear Medicine Department of Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (since 2009)
- - Coordination of the Nuclear Medicine Department
- - Nuclear Oncology – diagnosis (including PET) and therapy
- - Quality Assurance
Academic and Scientific Activity
Member of nine scientific societies;
SIOPEN – International Group for therapy of Neuroblastomas.
More than two hundred communications either as author or co-author.
Author and co-author of more than two hundred publications: articles, short communications and abstracts.
Two book reviews.
Chapter of a Therapy Book.